Monthly Archives: October 2015

Short and to the point….well, not really

In case you’re wondering – Yes! It has been a while since I last blogged. I know that in the beginning I said I would not have a regular schedule of writing but I promise you I had not intended to leave over two months between them. It’s true that Diane and I have been extremely busy the last few weeks but that’s not the main reason. The fact of the matter is, I’ve not felt that I had anything particularly interesting to share, which is a little troubling if you think about it.

Since the last blog Diane and I have entertained family on three different occasions, all with many trips to the abundance of attractions around the area. We’ve taken a week-long road trip with one of our neighbors in the RV to Charleston and Winston-Salem (thankfully right before the tragic flooding our friends to the South suffered). We had some fabulous Southern cooking and visited some historical sites and have vowed to return soon. We took a week and visited our youngest daughter Britt and her husband Jesse in Connecticut and we have also been enjoying the most beautiful beginning to the fall leaf color change we can remember. So we’ve been busy and quite frankly having a terrific time together.

Previous blogs have also been fairly long, (too long if you ask some 😜), and so I think I’ve fallen into a trap of wanting to make each blog have a meaningful point, or always have to relate some really enlightening reference to life in retirement. But quite honestly I’ve missed my chats with you and I’m starting to believe that it really doesn’t have to be some insightful, or even overly interesting topic that puts my fingers on the keyboard. That sometimes it’s OK to just check in and say hi and not always have to have a “point” at all.

So that’s what this (short) blog is for, to say “hi” and let you all know that life is good and that this particular blog entry doesn’t really have a point at all! Diane and I are loving life, making a few mistakes, but generally just having a lot of fun. To quote a line from one of my favorite inspirational writings, Desiderata

“And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.”

Yup, I guess it is.

So, until the next one……Namaste

P.S. Don’t forget you can leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you.


Posted by on October 21, 2015 in Life Perspectives